Care for people with dementia

Dementia, that is, confused with old age, has different causes and forms and can appear early in the second half of life. It not only exposes those directly affected to a great deal of stress, but also puts a strain on the family and friendly environment, e.g. T. massive.

For those affected, it means losing more and more contact with everyday life, an ever greater feeling of insecurity and loss of orientation spreads. Especially at the beginning of dementia, one is repeatedly confronted painfully with one's own inadequacy, but this often also happens out of the helplessness of the other person, who is still aware of the world.

All the worse for the dementia patient: he experiences again and again that the real and true world experienced for him is contested by others, which isolates him more and more with his perception.

And for the relatives, dementia in the family or a loved one is at least as great a challenge: The familiar person is increasingly changing, becoming more and more foreign, living in his own world, access is becoming more and more difficult, sometimes even impossible. You suddenly find yourself confronted with suspicion, accused of having stolen or misplaced things that the other person cannot find again.

Often mutual aggression arises due to this excessive demand and “not understanding”, which can poison an atmosphere. This is where our trained caregivers help and relieve the relatives, at least for a while. And this time to take a deep breath is also necessary in order to regain a more relaxed posture and a clearer head. They also help to understand dementia as a disease and to find a different, more appropriate way of dealing with it.

If things are going badly or not at home at home, the “Vergissmeinnicht” shared apartment we care for on an outpatient basis in the Haus am Kamp is probably a good alternative.

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