Assisted living plus

What is assisted living actually and for whom is it suitable?

There are very different projects that are called assisted living. The fact that we call our projects “Assisted Living PLUS” is not a marketing gimmick, but makes it clear that we are very fundamentally different from most other projects:

We wish that the people who opt for assisted living in the facilities we look after do so as early as possible and self-determinedly in order to feel safe and prepared for the impairments caused by old age.

You can expect a largely barrier-free environment, fully equipped kitchens and bathrooms, as well as a modern emergency call system with which you can get help at any time within minutes if you need it.

Our aim is that nobody needs to leave their apartment again, e.g. B. to switch to a nursing ward. We want you to be able to grow old safely and well cared for in your “own 4 walls” right up to the end.

So that this is also possible with developing dementia, we recently took over the 24-hour care of a residential group for dementia sufferers called “Vergissmeinnicht” in the Haus am Kamp in Lägerdorf on behalf of the tenants' community. 7 people with dementia live there and organize their everyday life together with our trained care staff. We think that this represents the optimal form of care for people with dementia.

It is important that people in assisted living not only have maximum security with us, but they also have freedom of choice in every respect, e.g. B. to decide against us as the providing care service, and each party for itself. This is also an incentive for us to do a good job and to live up to our claim, which every colleague wears on their work clothes, of being “friendly - competent - reliable”.

The residential complexes we look after are where we also have our branches, namely in

    Markushof, Osterhorn and imHaus am Kamp, Lägerdorf.

You can get more information about this by clicking on the respective terms.

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